FREE Scripts from Bill Cates

Start generating more referrals by addressing unspoken concerns

Many people hesitate to provide referrals simply because they are unsure how they will be handled. More specifically, they worry about confidentiality and whether they will make the person they are referring feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, one of the most effective ways to start generating referrals that turn into introductions is to explain to your prospects, clients, and centers of influence exactly how you will handle the referrals they might send your way. Download this free scripts report to learn exactly what to say.

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About Bill Cates

Bill Cates is the founder and CEO of Referral Coach International. Over the last 25 years, Bill has helped thousands of individuals and companies cultivate exponential growth in their businesses through referrals, introductions from advocates, and more compelling marketing messaging.

Want to start a conversation with Bill? 
Send him an e-mail to [email protected] or connect on Linkedin.


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